Tuesday 19 January 2016

Tales of Rosh Hashanah: Hannah and Hagar (inks)

Here is the inked cover for my book coming out this September, called Tales of Rosh Hashana: Hannah and Hagar. It's two separate stories that I'm telling at the same time in a cool way. I know it's bad design to have Hannah's head completely upside down, but I secretly love that you have to physically turn the comic book around in order to see her straight. I'll post the colors soon…

Pre-Order now at jonahcomic.com

1 comment:

  1. Coming to my BIG-ol,
    John Belushi, party-hardy
    in Seventh-Heaven ..??
    The world passes away,
    we cannot stay,
    even if we pay trillions
    which nobody has anyway.
    So, gain altitude, dude,
    never attitude.
    God bless your indelible soul.
